Training &Speaker Sessions
Through my Academic Career Excellence and on my Digital Transformation Evangelism
I have had 7 speaker sessions of 500+ young professionals for Recruitment and HRM
My content focuses on:
Personal Branding
Sales Management 101
Communications & Soft Skills
Linkedin Development
Modern Recruitment Methodologies- Visume and Resumes
Selection and Recruitment process
Make Recruiters Come To You
Google Resumeode
I also do technology based sessions be it my Keynote Speaker Session on 'Google Digital Marketing World' at Experia 3.0 to about 300 young professionals.
I talked about
Search Engines
Mobile Marketing
Video Marketing
Content Marketing
Google Analytics
Moreover, I have given lectures, presentations and training (free trial modules) on CRMs to 500+ undergrad students. My training is focused on:
Digital Transformation & Strategy
CRM & Apllications
Microsoft Dynamics 365- free trial
Salesforce Lightening Experience- free trial
SAP basics